Username: Editor
Password: password
Please note: This is one of several users created only for this demo. You should make sure to disable / delete these users in a live installation later.
This little tutorial tries to guide your first steps in OpenCms. It will explain how to edit content and create new pages.
Before you can edit content with OpenCms, you need to log in. Start with the "Editor" user. The default login information for the "Editor" is displayed in the blue box on the left.
Enter the information from the box on the left in the login form below and press "Login":
Build Date: 2020-08-14 12:16 - Git Branch: build_11_0_2 - Git Commit ID: 111fa04 - Git Message: Updated history for 11.0.2 release. - Build Number: #17 - Build System: Jenkins ci-builder - Build Type: Release
Running on UbuntuOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM with Linux5.15.0-131-generic
Once you have successfully logged in, please continue to the next step.
Built with OpenCms - The Open Source CMS from Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts
Alkacon and the OpenCms logo are registered trademarks owned by Alkacon Software.